Plastic Free July at Food for Thought

Kerry Leese

Every day is Plastic Free at Food for Thought in Wellingborough. We are a refill shop after all. Queue the cheesy music & montage of refilling...

But what's it all about & why bother?

Recycling week. Not another one!

Kerry Leese
It's recycling week. So take my annoyance at yet another 'week' to have to talk about to be relevant,  multiply it by my rage about litter & waste, & you get this rather frustrated rant at why recycling isn't going to get us out of the plastic pollution we have in the UK & worldwide. Want the answer? Refill!!!!

Why is organic important?

Kerry Leese
You'll find a lot of organic produce at Food for Thought refill shop in Wellingborough. Organic benefits us humans, wildlife & the planet. So what is organic & why do we need it?

We're hiring!

Kerry Leese

Passionate about cutting waste & living sustainably?

Got retail experience or experience working with food?